Medical Exercise Training Resources

Medical Exercise Specialist Podcast

Medical Exercise Training E-book

MES Masters Series

Post Rehab Exercise Protocols
The “PREPS” – Post Rehab Exercise Protocols finally gives you step-by-step post-rehab protocols and guidelines. PREPS is the advanced version of our original Post Rehab Protocols published in 1997.

Medical Exercise Forms
Communication with medical professionals in a clear, concise, and professional manner is a must for medical exercise professionals. Medical exercise forms provide an easy-to-use and easy-to-read layout to allow you to communicate with medical professionals, insurance carriers as well as clients.

MedFit Group Training Programs
MedFit Group Training programs provide medical exercise professionals with the solution you need to manage chronic medical conditions with exercise and lifestyle management while also helping develop relationships with medical professionals. MedFit programs available include 1) Hypertension/Diabetes/Obesity; 2) Total Joint Replacements/Osteoarthritis; 3) Women’s Fitness 101 and 4) Dynamic Back School. Learn more below.

Medical Exercise Workshops

MedXPROÂ Network
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