Medical Exercise Training Assessment Skills
The MET assessment is vitally important!!
Series begins August 21st
The MET Assessment is the most important skill for Medical Exercise Specialists. The assessment sets the standard for all services provided by medical exercise professionals. METI introduces the "Medical Assessment Series" beginning August 21st, This series will review in-depth assessment guidelines and skills for the shoulder, elbow/hand, lumbar and cervical spines, hip, knee and ankle. Each session is a 2+ hour livestreamed training session reviewing the MET assessment process outlining step by step techniques and guidelines.
Register for MET Assessment Skills Series
Medical Exercise Training will grow well into 2030’s…..are you prepared??
Join us for one MET Assessment session or register for the full series! Learn specific assessment techniques for each joint including muscle testing, goniometry, special testing, medical history, etc. Each session is livestreamed and recorded. Registrants receive a personalized regional and functional assessment for the joint reviewed. Register for the one session or the full series and learn how assess the major joints of the body.
MET Assessment Skills Series Schedule

MET Assessment Skills Series Components