Are You Ready to Start "Bridging the Gap"??
Medical Exercise Training (MET) will see an explosion over the next 20 years….more medical exercise opportunities, more clients, more referrals and recognition by the medical community. If you are a fitness professional or personal trainer, are you ready for the challenges of managing clients with medical conditions?
The Medical Exercise Specialist Training (MEST) series is for the personal trainer, fitness professional, corrective exercise specialist or massage therapist with at least 1 year of experience now looking to begin working with medical professionals and/or clients with medical conditions. These clients realize exercise is a must for their condition and they make MET a priority. We saw this during the Covid pandemic. METI - Medical Exercise Specialists reported their MET clients continued to train either virtually or using social distancing, during the shutdown. Make the MEST your next step in developing the competence and confidence to train medical conditions and work with healthcare professionals!!
The first Medical Exercise Specialist (MES) workshop and certification was offered by the Medical Exercise Training Institute (METI) in Washington, DC in 1994. The course was designed to train fitness professionals and personal trainers to develop safe and effective exercise programming for clients with musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular and/or metabolic disorders after physical therapy, chiropractic, or medical care ends.
With changes in health care reimbursement, the need for MET has grown faster than we ever thought when we started back in 1994. Now we have Medical Exercise Specialists on six continents around the world. They all are “Bridging the Gap Between Health Care and Fitness”. MESs work in personal training studios, chiropractic offices, PT clinics, corporate fitness centers and even go to client homes. The need keeps growing with more diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, obesity, and low back pain diagnoses, and total joint replacements performed. In the future MET will grow into a new health profession.
If you are a personal trainer or massage therapist, or corrective exercise trainer......
please answer these questions?
- Are you working with clients with medical conditions?
- Are you concerned you might injure a client with a medical condition?
- You feel you need to know more info to correctly train medical clients?
- You feel like an imposter when it comes to communicating with medical professionals?
- You feel there is something missing with the exercise techniques you use with MET clients?
- You want to know more and expand your medical exercise/post rehab skills and understanding?
- You want referrals from doctors, therapists and chiropractors but don’t know where to start?
The Medical Exercise Specialist Training Series is the educational system designed to train Medical Exercise Specialists to provide safe and effective exercise programming and positive functional outcomes for clients with medical conditions. The MEST series includes: 1) the Medical Exercise Specialist Online Lessons (MESTOnline); 2) the Medical Exercise Specialist Study Group (MESSG); and 3) the Medical Exercise Specialist 2-Day Onsite Workshop (MESTOnsite). This is by far the best and most comprehensive/detailed MET learning model available.
50 online lessons make up the largest component of the MEST program along with 4 bonus MEST lessons. Each lesson contains a video (from 20 to 90 minutes), a session guide, medical exercise/post rehab protocol; checklists and a quiz. The MEST lessons review clinical anatomy/pathology of medical conditions; medical exercise/post rehab protocols; medical exercise assessment; and MET exercise techniques and progressions. The MEST lessons total more than 44 hours of video learning:
Session 1 Medical Exercise Opportunities, Income and the Future
Session 2 Scope of Practice and Role of the MES and PRCS
Session 3 Medical Exercise Foundations – Pt I
Session 4 Medical Exercise Foundations – Pt 2
Session 5 6 Keys to Medical Exercise Program Design
Session 6 Clinical Anatomy and Pathology of the Shoulder
Session 7 Medical Exercise Protocols/Guidelines of the Shoulder – Pt 1
Session 8 Medical Exercise Protocols/Guidelines of the Shoulder – Pt 2
Session 9 Medical Exercise Screening of the Shoulder
Session 10 Medical Exercise Case Studies of the Shoulder
Session 11 Medical Exercise Techniques for the Shoulder
Session 12 Clinical Anatomy and Pathology of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand
Session 13 Medical Exercise Protocols for the Elbow, Wrist & Hand
Session 14 Medical Exercise Screening of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand
Session 15 Medical Exercise Techniques for the Elbow, Wrist & Hand
Session 16 Medical Exercise Case Studies of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand
Session 17 Clinical Anatomy and Pathology of the Lumbar Spine
Session 18 Medical Exercise Protocols for the Lumbar Spine – Pt 1
Session 18A Medical Exercise Protocols for the Lumbar Spine – Pt 2
Session 18B Medical Exercise Protocols/Guidelines for the Cervical Spine
Session 19 Medical Exercise Screening of the Lumbar Spine
Session 20 Medical Exercise Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
Session 21 Medical Exercise Case Studies for the Lumbar Spine
Session 22 Clinical Anatomy and Pathology of the Hip
Session 23 Medical Exercise Protocols/Guidelines for the Hip
Session 24 Medical Exercise Screening for the Hip
Session 25 Medical Exercise Techniques for the Hip
Session 26 Medical Exercise Case Studies for the Hip
Session 27 Clinical Anatomy/Pathology for the Knee
Session 28 Medical Exercise Protocols/Guidelines for the Knee
Session 29 Medical Exercise Screening for the Knee
Session 30 Medical Exercise Techniques for the Knee
Session 31 Medical Exercise Case Studies for the Knee
Session 32 Clinical Anatomy/Pathology of the Ankle/Foot
Session 33 Medical Exercise Protocols/Guidelines of the Ankle/Foot
Session 34 Medical Exercise Techniques for the Ankle/Foot
Session 35 Medical Exercise Screening Foot/Ankle
Session 36 Medical Exercise Case Studies Foot/Ankle
Session 37 Medical Exercise Management of Diabetes
Session 38 Medical Exercise Management of Hypertension
Session 39 Medical Exercise Management of CVA, MS & Parkinson’s
Session 40 Medical Exercise Management of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Fibromyalgia
Session 41 Medical Communication – Report Writing, Documentation, and Medical Terminology
Session 42 Musculoskeletal Screening
Session 43 Functional Assessment Scales
Session 44 Medical Exercise Skills Checklist
Session 45 Medical Exercise Equipment, Staffing and Education
Session 46 Keys to Building a Successful Post Rehab Practice
Session 47 Marketing Your Medical Exercise Practice
Session 48 Medical Exercise Referrals, Fees & Insurance Reimbursement
Session 49 Multiple Streams of Medical Exercise Income
Session 50 MES/PRCS Exam Review and Procedures
Bonus Lesson 1 MET Pre-Exercise Checklist
Bonus Lesson 2 Post Rehab Exercise Techniques
Bonus Lesson 3 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Techniques
Bonus Lesson 4 Spinal Stabilization Assessment & Techniques
These are 12 live MES Study Group webinar sessions meeting on alternating Tuesday evening at 9pm ET. The study group sessions are live-streamed during which Dr Mike reviews the MEST Online lessons. Each session looks at a different region. The sessions have Q & A to answer all your questions. There are also two sessions dedicated to MES final exam review. The MESSG sessions include:
- MESSG Session 1 - Medical Exercise Foundations – MEST Lessons 1 – 5
- MESSG Session 2 – MET Guidelines for the Shoulder – MEST Lessons 6 – 11
- MESSG Session 3 - MET Guidelines for the Elbow & Hand – MEST Lessons 12 – 16
- MESSG Session 4 – MET Guidelines for the Cervical and Lumbar Spines – MEST Lessons 17 – 21
- MESSG Session 5 – MET Guidelines for the Hip – MEST Lessons 22 – 26
- MESSG Session 6 – MET Guidelines for the Knee – MEST Lessons 27 - 31
- MESSG Session 7 – MET Guidelines for the Ankle/Foot – MEST Lessons 32 – 36
- MESSG Session 8 – Managing Medical Conditions – MEST Lessons 37 – 40
- MESSG Session 9 – Medical Exercise Skills – MEST Lesson 42 - 44
- MESSG Session 10 – Developing a MET Practice – MEST Lessons 41, 45 – 49
- MESSG Session 11 – MES Final Written Exam Review
- MESSG Session 12 – MES Practical Exam Review
MEST 2-Day Hands-On Workshop
This is our world renowned 2-day MEST onsite workshop. This 2-day workshop provides hands on learning in medical exercise techniques, exercise protocols, assessment techniques and client management. June 26th thru 27th are the dates for the MES workshop in Houston, TX at Medical Fitness Pros (MFP). MFP is one of the premier medical exercise facilities in the world.
Medical Exercise Specialist 2-Day Workshop
Houston, TX
June 26 & 27, 2021
Medical Fitness Pros (MFP) of Houston, TX will host our 2-day workshop June 26 - 27. MFP is one of the first facilities solely dedicated to medical exercise training. Since 2012, when it opened, MFP has provided the best in MET services to the Houston community and medical professionals. Attend the MES and see how a real MET facility works. Seeing is believing and it will make a HUGE difference when you get back home!!

Register for the Medical Exercise Specialist Workshop Now!!
Don’t wait……medical exercise training will grow exponentially over the next 20 years. Here are the stats:
- The most common total joint replacement procedure in the United States is the total knee replacement (about 700,000 a year) followed by total hip replacements (about 400,000 a year). Each client requires MET after physical therapy is done.
- Spine surgeries have grown significantly in the past decade. 650,000 to 700,000 spinal surgeries are performed per year, roughly 280,000 to 300,000 are done on an outpatient basis. Each of these clients’ needs a supervised exercise program after physical therapy is over.
- It is estimated diabetes affects 30.3 million people in the United States. 73.6% of individuals aged 18 years or more with diabetes, also have hypertension. Each of these clients needs an ongoing exercise program and lifestyle education.
- The number of cancer survivors continues to increase because of the aging of the population as well as advances in early cancer detection and treatment. Most of these clients will need medical exercise training to return to their previous level of function after chemo, radiation or surgery. Each of these clients will benefit from medical exercise training.
- Every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have strokes. About 610,000 of these are first time strokes. About 185,000 strokes occur in those with a previous stroke. 90% of these clients need a structured exercise program after PT and OT are concluded.
- Thousands of Covid – 19 survivors will need training to improve and restore their function.
Every indicator says…..Medical Exercise Training will grow well into 2030’s…are you ready??
Attend the MEST Onsite Workshop June 26 & 27, then begin to review the 50 MEST online videos and join us on Tuesday evenings for the 12 live MES Study Group webinars to reinforce the information learned in the MEST lessons and onsite workshop.
The MEST gives you ALL the MET skills/knowledge needed to get referrals, manage clients, and increase your income. It starts with the MEST Onsite workshop June 26 & June 27. Here are some of the BENEFITS of the MEST Series:
The benefits of joining the Medical Exercise Specialist Training series are huge……this is the most comprehensive educational program for medical exercise professionals available today. This is the first step in moving from personal training to medical exercise training. The MEST gives you the skills, knowledge and techniques manage a wide range of medical conditions using exercise.
- Develop MET assessment skills, guidelines and their interpretation
- Understand how and when to apply exercise with medical conditions
- Recognize the keys to exercise progress with medical condition
- Learn all the pieces to MET management in one education system rather dozens of workshops
- Remove all your doubts and reluctance when working with MET clients
- Gain the confidence to community with medical professionals
- Learn to effectively write and send reports to medical providers and document MET sessions
- Identify the functional outcome measures to review to determine client progress
- Understand how to identify red flags and when to refer to a medical professional
- Clearly recognize the role of physicians, therapists and where and where the MES fits in.
Yes, I want to join the Medical Exercise Specialist Training Series!!
YES, I want to join the MEDICAL EXERCISE SPECIALIST TRAINING SERIES beginning with the MEST 2-Day Onsite Workshop!!
Get immediate access to MEST Online Lessons & MES Study Group

I ALSO want to attend the 4-Day AMES Workshop November 11 – 14, 2021 in Houston, TX
Advanced Medical Exercise Specialist Workshop – Houston, TX
November 11 – 14, 2021