Physical Therapist/Chiropractor: Optimize Medical Exercise Programs - MET Tip 25


Physical Therapist/Chiropractor: Optimize Medical Exercise Programs - MET 101 eBook Tip #25

In the latest tip from the MET 101 eBook series, Dr. Mike provides valuable insights on selecting the right personnel to run Medical Exercise (ME) programs. Tip #25 specifically addresses physical therapists, offering guidance on hiring and training rehab technicians to manage aftercare for discharged patients.

Dr. Mike emphasizes that ME programs are designed to complement physical therapy, chiropractic care, and other medical services, ensuring continuous rehabilitation through structured exercise. The ongoing need for exercise is paramount for patients transitioning out of direct medical supervision.

Ideal Candidate Selection: According to Dr. Mike, the best candidate to manage an ME program is a rehab technician with at least one year of experience within the facility. These technicians should ideally complete the Medical Exercise Specialist Training Series (MEST) program. This program provides in-depth knowledge of clinical anatomy and pathology, which is crucial for effectively managing aftercare clients.

Role and Benefits of Rehab Technicians: Rehab technicians play a pivotal role in seamlessly transitioning patients from therapy to post-rehab programs. They need a foundational understanding of exercise physiology, and/or athletic training. Formal certification, while beneficial, is not mandatory. The MEST program offers the necessary training to ensure technicians can deliver structured, protocol-based exercise programs.

Management and Communication: Regular meetings between physical therapists and rehab technicians are essential to monitor client progress and address any issues. Clear communication helps differentiate between physical therapy and aftercare programs, which is crucial for both client understanding and insurance purposes.

For physical therapists, investing in a well-trained rehab technician ensures the success of medical exercise programs, enhancing client outcomes and maintaining a high standard of care.

Get Your Free Copy: To explore more tips and insights, download your free copy of the MET 101 eBook at

This blog post encapsulates the key points from Dr. Mike's video, offering medical exercise professionals practical advice for optimizing their ME programs.


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